Kia ora tatou:
Welcome to the new, upgraded blog. To bring you up-to-date....
James, my web designer, has had some major issues getting my website loaded to my server, so the upgrade is on hold until he gets it all sorted.
I have been wanting to do a lot of work on my blog, to give it a newer, fresher look and lose a lot of the negative space in the old one. My daughter talked me into a gmail account, which is only by invitation (Google have bought Blogger) and that gives me access to the new Blogger Beta, which is way more sophisticated. At sometime in the future I will be able to integrate Blueprintx and this one.
Why Roadmarx? Well....
In a previous post I referred to the idea of our photographs being Roadmarks on a journey. A number of years ago I read a sci-fi novel by Roger Zelazny, in which the main character follows a series of road marks on a mythical journey. The marker posts by the roadside are more than symbolic, and he has to learn to decode them to understand his journey.
So it is with our photographs. Every image we make is a form of marker post, if we are able to decipher it.
I am deeply grateful for the comments contributed by those of you who posted. As I understand it, you want more of the same, my philosophical posts, but for me, from time to time, to put in some technical stuff.
So be it. I hear and I obey.
Thanks for your support and encouragement. I would hope that what I offer is of as much use as your comments are to me.
Ka kite ano
Here was I with a busy Sunday morning planned. No incoming e-mails, so just a quick pop into Blueprintx to see if any comments have been added since I last looked (I haven't found that out yet!) before getting on with the tasks that need doing. And what do I find!
Well, I've been sitting here for over an hour already. And I had also thought you might be taking a break from blogging until your exhibition had opened. I should have known better.
First impression: while Blueprintx looks more... (Help! what's the word I want? I daren't use "artistic" or the least you'll do is make a rude noise. "Pleasing to the eye" isn't right, either). Well, while Blueprintx looks more Whatever-it-is, with the coloured background, I find this new one much easier to read with its black print on white, and I like its cleaner lines.
I've worked up from the bottom. There's just too much in the post above to take in at the moment. I'm about to print it out so I can refer to it during the day while I'm doing all these other things that are shrieking at me. Most of them don't require much mental input, so I can do plenty of thinking while my hands are busy.
Thanks for all the stimulation, both to think in general and to make photographs in particular. And congratulations for being invited by Google. Obviously they won't want just any old blog on Blogger beta.
PS. About to publish and have just realised that that crazy string of letters that made my eyes think I'd been over-indulging in the spirited bottled stuff is no longer needed. Hooray!
Hi Tony,
I agree with peregrina - This style with the black on white(ish) is much easier to read.
I like the Okuru Estuary shots. Very moody and able to convey much meaing with few colours.
Good work.
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