For over two billion years, through the apparent fancy of her endless differentiations and metamorphosis the Cell, as regards its basic physiological mechanisms, has remained one and the same. It is life itself, and our true and distant ancestor.
Albert Claude
It is not necessary that you leave the house. Remain at your table and listen. Do not even listen, only wait. Do not even wait, be wholly still and alone. The world will present itself to you for its unmasking, it can do no other, in ecstasy it will writhe at your feet.
Franz Kafka
Kai ora tatou:
In what seems like another life, I spent a week with master landscape photographer, Faye Godwin. At the time I wasn’t really into landscape; it was one of many genre choices for me. But I loved her work and the opportunity to learn from her was not to be missed. In the end, it really affirmed that what I was doing was the right path for me-at the time. What she did talk about, however, was the importance of getting to know your subject. In the case of landscape photography, it meant going back again and again, seeing it in different lights and weathers, peeling the layers off the onion. Only then would we be able to get to the essence of the subject. The thought stuck and, as I began to put more and more time into studying the works of the masters, I realised that the Greats inevitably seemed to do this. For Ansel Adams it was Yosemite, for Eugene Atget it was Paris, while Edward Weston favoured Point Lobos. They all seemed to have a place that spoke to them.
Then earlier this year I discovered Haast, in particular the Okuru Estuary. With the time and opportunity to visit and revisit, I began to see new things. At first I photographed the obvious and some happy meteorological accidents, but later as these possibilities exhausted themselves, and things got tougher and tougher, I had to find new ways to photograph the estuary, or rather, to look deeper. I wanted to dig beneath the surface and consider what I was seeing, to fit into some sort of framework. So I kept photographing, studying, analysing and reflecting on what I saw on my monitor. Time and again, I would be convinced that I had “done” the estuary, only to come upon a new line of approach. The estuary became a kind of litmus paper the direction my photography was taking. It was only later that I began to realise that it was an indicator for where my life was at and by extension, where I was at.
It helps, from time to time, to take stock. Last week I got out my photographs of the estuary, arranged them in order of date, and mulled them over. Then I went to the Coast to interview someone for my new book.
Once again I went to the estuary, trying to stay as open-minded as I could, to respond to what presented itself. I took the Leica lens and a tripod. I wanted to keep it simple, to remove as many technical decisions as possible. One lens/focal length, one ISO, hyperfocal distance focusing. I wanted to listen to the Moment.
I went down to the edge of the water at sunset. The tide was in, but the wind was blowing and, frankly its restlessness wasn’t what I was seeking. I wanted to find a point of infinite stillness, a moment of exquisite unity, where time and space held their breath, that precise but difficult-to-define point of crossover between night and day. That meant letting go and listening to the rhythm of the light, the movement of the air and finding the Centre of the Moment.
The Point of Balance. Once again I was brought face-to-face with a mediaeval concept I learned

As I studied the scene and began photographing, searching for that point of mésure, the wind dropped and the light faded. Sky and water began to come into some sort of tonal balance. Before me the colour had faded away and what was left was a monochromatic blue landscape. The water had faded to a deep blue-black and the sky was a dusky blue. The only land was a a thin-lipped strip across the river, with a few tentative houses clinging to it. What intrigued me was the thin cloud hanging almost invisible above the village. Then, as day faded into night, as so often happens, there was a last flicker in the sky, much like the final flare before a light bulb burns out. For a moment a shaft of light struck the white holiday home across the river. It glowed incandescent and alive. Then it sank into the growing gloom.
As some you know, I have studied martial arts. For a number of years I studied a form of Wu Shu, commonly (and incorrectly) known as Kung Fu. I put it down while my children were little.
Lately I have returned and have begun to seriously study Tai Chi Chuan in its martial form (not the feel-good, watered-down form you see in Pilates or city parks at 6am). A fundamental concept is balance and the idea of finding the Centre then moving around that point, to put it one way. It sounds very simple; it is fiendishly difficult to achieve, because it is not just physical. And there are many years of training required to get any degree of competence. Mastery is a goalpost that keeps moving further and further away. Even the simple act of breathing contains a lifetime of study. In many ways Tai Chi bears an extraordinary similarity to the act of photography. There are infinite levels of understanding, and you have to focus to the point where you become what you are doing.
I continued on into the gloom, lost in Time and Space. As the balance between sky and water narrowed, I made more pictures. Directly before me the incoming tide was now covering a log in the water. The exposures had moved out to 30”, flattening and soothing the restless water. I moved the log into the frame. In the deepening shadows it had become a mysterious shape, a metaphor, a Doorway for the Dead. It sat there in the tide like some sort of key to a deeper mystery, raising one knowing eyebrow and challenging me to seek to know more. Then the remaining light, which had held on to the very last, sputtered and went out. It was time to leave.
When I edited the images a couple of days later, I was intrigued. In some way I have yet to define, my understanding had altered, had metamorphosed. It was as if a number of disparate but parallel threads were knitting together. The photographs had the simplicity I was seeking, yet they asked more questions than they answered.
As I edited the images, looking for the best way (if any) to crop them, I found myself moving the horizon closer and closer to the upper frame edge, compressing the sky into an ever-narrowing area of the picture. I began limiting the information along the top of the photograph. It felt right. It felt accurate.
Just now the future is full of uncertainty and possibility, and I am peering over the horizon of today, like the navigators of old, hoping to spy landfall soon.
Arohanui e

Hi Tony
Very interesting post! I'll be mulling it over for a while.
The importance of getting to know a place really struck me a few weeks ago, when we went up to Lewis Pass and spent a few days playing with close-ups. One afternoon was pretty cold and unpromising, and we ended up in a boring patch of bush close to the road. But we persevered and after a while we started finding things - young fern fronds, fragile moss sporeheads, lichen.
We've only got one camera body, so we had to take turns. While Volker worked with some moss, I found a lichen covered tree-trunk to be my next photo. Then it was a matter of wait ... and watch. And eventually I realised that a patch of the tree's lichen was uncannily moth-shaped.
It was the most amazing creature, a tapestry of greens and browns, with frilled edges. And if I hadn't been taking the time to really look closely at the bush, I'd never have seen it.
Hi Rebecca:
Why not send me a copy of the image, rezzed to 600px along the long side @ 72dpi. I would love to look at it and maybe include it here.
ka kite
Hi Tony
I find it intriguing that your most powerful images lately are those with "blue" and those with "space". What do you think that means? Awesome stuff anyway.
Hi Tony
the quote you have at the end of your "roadmarx"
-The urge to create, the urge to photograph, comes in part from the deep desire to live with more integrity; to live more in peace with the world, and possibly to help others do the same…… -Wynn Bullock (1902-1975)-
has really hit home with me.I am not sure whether you had it on previous blogs,(better go back and check!!) Maybe its where in life I am , but it is incredibly true. Thankyou for finding it. I like the new blog- it is easier to read. Please continue to have the "urge" to create and to photograph.
Hi Barbara:
Not sure what it means. watch this space
Please give me a call. Would love to talk.
Ka kite
Far out Tony,
You've got a good serve of gipsy blood in your veins I reckon. If you're not touring NZ, or Africa or whatever, you're shifting house on the web as well! I haven't been around for a few days and there has been some cool changes.
I like your choice of blog design, clean and simple, lets your images do the talking which certainly has happened with the 'Metamorphosis Chapter 33' pictures. Great choice of images to launch the new blogspot.
Looking forward to some cool stuff here.
By the way, what's the latest with that Leica glass? Does the aperture work through the camera dial or is it a manual operation? Hum, you've got me thinking ...........again!
Very powerful photo and post!!
Hi Andrew:
The leica glass continues to astound me. It requires precision of technique( tripod, cable release etc) to get the best out of it. But at 100% the microdetail is amazing.The 24-70/2.8L looks mushy in comparison. I use it by setting AV on the camera, focusing wide-open, then stopping down to the desired aperture just before shooting, much the same as using a view camera. I use the histogram to check my exposure.
The 16 x 24" prints from my Canon imagePrograf 5000 are mind-boggingly sharp!
Hey, guy, why not give me a ring? We need to talk about the Lammermoors etc.
Heavens! I mostly use manual and never thought of focusing wide open then stopping down to the desired aperture. How blindingly obvious! I sometimes find it hard to tell, among all its surroundings, if the part I want in sharp focus actually is.
Hi Tony,
I will be coming through Ranfurly on Friday afternoon (1st December).
I have your cell phone number from your website so if I am not running too late I will give you a call and we can grab a coffee if you are free.
Crikey you Guys never give up do you!
I've just spent like 10 hours in InDesign on my Macintoshy, Music getting progressively louder, brain turning to mush. Thought I would have a wee spell reading the Bridge Blog, I should have know I would get more stimulation than I can handle coming here.
I'm with you Peregrina, I'm a manual control freak. In fact, I don't even know what half the stuff on my camera does. I always thought you need shutter and aperture to make photos and I can't frankly see the point in all this other stuff. Although, I have to admit I have an Expodisc and I think it's pretty cool the colour accuracy you can obtain in digital either with an Expodisc or gray card.
So, what's the deal with this Bridge© focusing setup? I'm not quite getting my head around this. You're saying you set up at full open then stop down until you get required focus, I thought you landscape dudes went for everything in focus., or stopped to optimum sharpness for the lens you use (e.g. around one stop open from smallest aperture on my Canon stuff). As Peregrina says, how do you tell what is in focus? Experience I guess. I use my gear so often I can guesstimate my focusing range for my f-stop for the lens I have on. I'm thinking your sixth photography sense is working here Tony. The same with your actual exposure with this hybrid Canon - Leica arrangement, I'll bet you can guess your settings and nail them. I'd have my Sekonic out and be fiddling around trying to make it work!
Please enlighten me.
The best
See, I have had enough. I've gone and posted twice now. Can you fix that Tony please.
Hi Andrew:
Let me correct a misunderstanding. I open up to full aperture to get more light to focus-remember most modern lenses are at full aperture until the moment of exposure when the camera stops them down to f8,11,16, whatever. You don't see it because the mirror is in the way- unless you use the stop-down lever.So I do focus first.
Because the Leica lens is pretty much disconnected from the electronics on the 1Ds Mk II, I have to set it manually ie to f8, then rely on the camera using the shutterspeed to regulate the exposure. Hence the reason for using AV. I then use the histogram to check the exposure. Is that a bette explanation?
As for being a landscape dude and going for f256, no I do not. I vaguely remeber a psot way back in Blueprintx where I discussed the question of actual vs perceived sharpness. try a search for sharpness. generally I use whatever aperture is pertinent to the statemant, the distance from the subject, the focal length of the lens and what I had for breakfast. And as for exposures, no, i usually get in the ballpark and then use my histogram to fine-tune.
Landcsape dude?
Time to escape the straitjacket of the typecast...
Hey Tony
Now it's all as clear as mud. No seriously - good explaining thanks. But couldn't you use M and your knowledge or a meter and achieve the same. I've never trusted those camera meters for accurate as I want to see it exposures.
Landscape Dude, sorry no offence intended but I've noticed you're enjoying and kicking butt in the genre recently.
Hi Andrew:
True, you could use the above methods. I use AV for landscape since depth of field is the key issue here. So, I look at my scene. If it is all at infinity, I choose f8(usually the optimum aperture for a 35mm lens).
Because I have learned that the Canon sensor reacts in a non-linear way to light, I use the RGB histogram, not luminance. And I check it for an important shot.
Give me a call and I will unpack it for you.
Hi, Andrew,
I woke up this morning thinking I'd possibly had a rush of blood to the head. I had realised why Tony was focusing while using wide-open - guessed it was something like depth-of-field preview that goes darker the more you stop down. (You need to work that from wide-open and go down gradually to see what you're doing, at least with the smaller apertures.) But I have a camera with no d-o-f preview, and from thinking about focusing the Leica glass my brain leapt to comparing it with the dimming effect of using d-o-f preview and in another leap I thought maybe I could use it to help get desired depth-of-field. If I started with wide-open and stopped down one at a time, thinking about the effect as I went, maybe I'd get the result that I wanted. (I.e. instead of setting an aperture and just hoping, I would force myself to visualise what was happening stop-by-stop.) Sorry. I worded it really badly, with yet another muddled thought butting-in on the way, and I managed to mislead you - had a rush of blood to the fingers as well as to the head.
Maybe the idea will work and maybe it won't, but I'll give it a try. I need to build up experience with depth-of-field - am not much good at even guesstimating. It will need a bit of record-keeping, too, at least for a start.
(And if it's any comfort, I don't understand what AV is. I always thought it meant Audio-Visual. ... Well, maybe it still does: swearing when you've put the camera on the tripod then look at the display window, only to discover you've accidentally knocked a button and all you can see are signs you don't understand plus loss of the mode it was set on.)
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